Friday, August 19, 2011

Hook Specials 12 : Inline Hook MessageBox on ring3(demo)


The code is lead inline hook on ring,The part code refer to code of "wofeiwo",Thanks .

Two error is showed on original text

The code is used to vc++ 6.0,

Exe is builded in vc++ compiler, Functions proceed among jump to like API

as follows
0040100F $ /E9 CC020000 jmp MyFunc
00401014 $ |E9 37000000 jmp main
00401019 $ |E9 B2000000 jmp Hook

#include "stdafx.h"
//using namespace std;

DWORD head;//Save return address of API
int nRet;
BYTE orig_code[5] = {0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90};//Save original command
BYTE hook_code[5] = {0xe9, 0, 0, 0, 0};//Save to command of jump toMyMessageBoxA
BYTE jmp_org_code[5] = {0xe9, 0, 0, 0, 0};//Save five bytes command of original front address

int MyMessageBoxA(
HWND hWnd, // handle to owner window
LPCTSTR lpText, // text in message box
LPCTSTR lpCaption, // message box title
UINT uType // message box style
int MyMessageBoxAA(
HWND hWnd, // handle to owner window
LPCTSTR lpText, // text in message box
LPCTSTR lpCaption, // message box title
UINT uType // message box style
int MyFunc();
void Hook();
int jmp_back();

ULONG OldFuncAddr;
ULONG MyFuncAddr;
ULONG jmp_backAddr;


int main()

int rt = MessageBoxA(NULL, "Hello World", "Title", MB_OK);
// cout << rt << endl;//查看返回值是否已修改成功


return 0;

void Hook()
DWORD dwOldProtect;
OldFuncAddr = (ULONG)MessageBoxA;

// MyFuncAddr = MyMessageBoxA的实际地址
MyFuncAddr = *(ULONG *)((BYTE *)MyMessageBoxA+1) + (ULONG)MyMessageBoxA + 5;
// jmp_backAddr = jmp_back的实际地址
jmp_backAddr = *(ULONG *)((BYTE *)jmp_back+1) + (ULONG)jmp_back + 5;
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)jmp_backAddr, 10, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect);

VirtualProtect((LPVOID)OldFuncAddr, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect);
*((ULONG*)(hook_code+1)) = (ULONG)MyFuncAddr - (ULONG)OldFuncAddr - 5;

memcpy(orig_code,(BYTE *)OldFuncAddr, 5);

memcpy((BYTE*)OldFuncAddr, hook_code, 5);
*((ULONG*)(jmp_org_code+1)) = (ULONG)OldFuncAddr - (ULONG)jmp_backAddr - 5;

memcpy((BYTE *)jmp_backAddr, orig_code, 5);

memcpy((BYTE *)jmp_backAddr + 5, jmp_org_code, 5);

__declspec(naked) int jmp_back()
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90

__declspec(naked) int MyMessageBoxA(
HWND hWnd, // handle to owner window
LPCTSTR lpText, // text in message box
LPCTSTR lpCaption, // message box title
UINT uType // message box style
printf("MyMessageBoxA is called\r\n");
pop head
pop hWnd
pop lpText
pop lpCaption
pop uType
push uType
push lpCaption
push lpText
push hWnd
push head
jmp jmp_back;

__declspec(naked) int MyMessageBoxAA(
HWND hWnd, // handle to owner window
LPCTSTR lpText, // text in message box
LPCTSTR lpCaption, // message box title
UINT uType // message box style
printf("MyMessageBoxAA is called\r\n");
pop head
push offset s1;//返回地址为S1:
jmp jmp_back;
s1: nop


mov eax, 0;////演示:将返回结果改为0,也可由MyFunc返回
push head

int MyFunc()
printf("Hello World\r\n");
return 1;

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